About the Big Licker
The Big Licker is a main character from Matt Jones’story “The Path of Freedom”.
A system friend who gives you the “Lick of Love”.
Q: What is a System Friend?
Someone or a company from the system (Modern society) who shows you some love along your life’s journey.
Q: What is the Path of Freedom?
The path of Freedom is a very special path for people who have a vision, focus and a clear direction in mind. It’s a path full of temptation, winds and curves and in order to survive it you will need help.
Q: What is the Big Licker?
The Big Licker is a system friend who gives you a “Lick of Love”. The Big Licker is a helper, a friend who believes in you and what you do.
Here’s a small drawn comic extract from the story ”The Path to Freedom”.

Making the Big Licker
2006 was when the design of the Big Licker was first conceived. Since then the Big Licker has gone through a number of design changes for the better, and in today’s current form it’s the best looking version of itself I believe. Like everything in life, everything happens for a reason, and this project was no exception. It’s been a labour of love, quite literally to bring this figure to life. Every year since 2006 Matt has tried hard to find the time and energy to manufacture and failed. In 2012 he came close to a small scale resin production, but this never quite left the starting blocks. Finally in 2015, along with the help of Caitlin Ashford (Matt’s trusted expert in 3D packages), they worked together on the design in CAD, and over many days and nights sleeping on the finer details and amendment’s, a half scale resin prototype was produced and this was then sent to manufacturing facility in China, where Matts team was waiting to work on the project.
Matt decided to get the ball rolling with a Kick Starter campaign, and as funds were needed to start the project the kick Starter campaign seemed like an obvious route. The campaign as you can see was a bit of a “Heath Robison” affair, but it got the job done, and the campaign was successfully funded.

2016 manufacture of the Big Licker began in China. Little did Matt realise there was to be production issues down the track, so being a complete perfectionist, Matt held up the project after the first batch of samples were sent which put another year onto the production time, and finally in June of 2017 was the product ready to ship out to very patience customers.
Concept CAD Video
This concept video was produced as part of the design sign off and to use as part of the campaign.
Design Process
This next gallery of images shows the making of the Big Licker from concept drawings, model making and CAD design work, to final prototypes. Over the time frame of 10 years.

Acid Green Tongue!
The campagin featured one special strech goal, which was to open the “Acid Green” Tongue. These are now avalaible in the shop.

Press Images
If you would like a PRESS PACK, please contact Matt.

Classic Licker & Acid Green Tongue!

D.I.Y. Version
Figure Details
The Big Licker is a limited edition designer vinyl art toy by Matt Jones.
- Only 150 classic and 120 D.I.Y pieces have been produced.
- The Licker is whopping 310mm (31cm or 12.4”) long.
- Each classic Big Licker comes signed & numbered by Matt Jones.
- D.I.Y Doodled on versions are also available.
- Only 50 Acid Green Tongues are produced / First come first served.

Classic Lickers come signed & numbered.

Doodled on D.I.Y. versions by Matt Jones