About TITANS Vinyl Figures
Since 2010 – 2017 Matt has been working as a freelance Artist / Designer for UK based TITAN Merchandise, adopting the role of lead designer for the Titans vinyl figures collections.

Collections Include:
Doctor Who (11 Series), Alien, AVP, Star Trek, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dragon Age, X-Files, The Beatles, Game of Thrones, Edward Scissor Hands, Battle Star Galactica, Breaking Bad, Ghost Busters I & II, Sherlock, 2000AD (Judge Dredd), Uncharted, American Horror Show, Thunderbirds, Mass Effect, The Last of Us, Cartoon Network, Hannibal, The Monkies. Kill Bill, Metal Gear Solid
Matt’s proud to have worked with so many amazing licences over the years, but of course you need to have a Top 3. Wait for it… Doctor Who, Alien and The Beatles. “The rest have been great, but I have a true connection with these 3” Says Matt.

Behind the scenes
Back in the day, 2010/2011 we we’re all about sculpting by hand, Matt’s team was small, comprising of him and the Sculptor Caitlin Ashford, with TITAN team (Andrew, Matt and the super geeks!) the manufacturer, who we’re all working closely with the Doctor Who licence and pulling the strings to make it happen. It was a shot in the dark, a leap of faith, we went through much development and many meetings to get the first line of figures off the ground, a real labour of love.
We were working in clay, making head sculpts, casting resin, making changes all analogue and very time consuming. Sadly this was not a sustainable way of working for us, we needed to pick up the pace, and we sadly lost our sculptor Caitlin and connected with the UK’s leading design consultants Design Works, who are amazing 3D digital sculpting experts.
With Design Works on board It became a fast team of 3 working together, we had Matt designing all the figures, TITAN Merch on key decisions making and talking with the licensors and managing the projects movements, and all the sculpting was now being done on the computer and the turnaround was lighting fast.
We would send all our CAD data, Artwork, packaging designs to our manufacturing facility in China, and we have all our figures freshly made and packed and then shipped out would wide to distributors who then feed them into shops online and brick and mortar.
Since we started, it’s been a roller coaster of a ride, working with so many licences and so many figures. The collectors of course love us for making this happen, we love them for collecting.
2016/2017 Matt grew a member of the design team by 1, Niels de Jong joined and helps Matt as a body artist and useful assistant.
With all this in place, we not only want to develop the brand as we go, we want loads more figures, loads of great lines and lead from the front.
Of course funko and Kid Robot are cool, but being 3rd place to these guys is a great achievement in so little time. Watch this space 😉

Not Just the figure designs!
collections. With love, care and attention to details, Matt oversees the production of many of the TITANS figure packs, to make sure we always get the right kinda look, and stand out on the shelves.

Fan Club
The Unofficial TITAN Merchandise Society (TUTMS) We have a fan club on Facebook set up by hard core collector and good friend of ours Dave Duff. The fan club is more of a social guttering where members swap figures, share and show photos of their collections and moments with the group.

Doctor Who TITANS fan images courtesy of @silversphere
Matt’s Artist Proof Figures
TITAN Merchandise send over a small amount of stock when the figures are first released for Matts artist seal of approval. Once approval is given, Matt spends time signing & numbering the limited stock he has turning them into Artists Proofs.
Artist Proof figures are sold via Matt’s online shop, as open boxed figures. Each one come with a Signed Authentication Certificate so you know it’s the real deal. Matt has very limited stocks – And serves customers on a first come first served basis. You may e-mail Matt for discounts on bulk orders. And if you happen to be in Berlin, you can arrange a meeting with Matt and share a cup of tea together.